01 Overview

How Curve Created a Fresh Brand Design to Promote the #WorldinBurnaby Campaign
Anything can have a strongly defined brand identity – even a city.
When the Burnaby Intercultural Planning Table (BIPT) approached Curve, they hoped to launch a campaign that strengthened the brand of their community. Through a customized marketing campaign, they wanted to label their community as welcoming, diverse, and accepting.
Curve Communications was ready to help.
What Is #WorldinBurnaby?
“World in Burnaby” was an initiative created by BIPT, whose goal was to inspire residents to welcome and support newcomers to the city of Burnaby – specifically immigrants and refugees.
The campaign strived to create a heightened sense of community through increased local dialogue. It was intended to establish Burnaby as the most welcoming community in all of Canada.
02 Mission
Starting from Scratch
When BIPT approached Curve in search of customized marketing, we recommended that they develop a holistic strategy to help directly reach the public. It appeared that we needed to build the “Burnaby brand” from the ground up. We planned to develop a new website, as well as set up new social channels.
The Solution: An Exhaustive, Customized Marketing Plan
Our experts recommended traditional media buys through transit and local newspapers to inform the community of the brand’s initiative.
In conjunction with these tactics, Curve developed a unique event management approach to generate buzz within the community. Our aim was to highlight the many benefits of multiculturalism, along with some of the challenges newcomers face when moving to a new city.
Through social media marketing, Curve aimed to create a strong level of awareness online for the #WorldInBurnaby movement that encouraged multiculturalism and worked to brand Burnaby as a welcoming, diverse community.
The Curve team also created an online pledge form, encouraging Burnaby residents to commit to an action that would make the city more welcoming. This online pledge form was integrated with the “World In Burnaby” Facebook page and Twitter account.
Among our other initiatives, Curve encouraged participants at our community events to fill out “Welcoming Postcards” for Burnaby newcomers.
03 Result
Making Burnaby a More Welcoming Community
To create impact within the community, Curve designed and produced a 20-foot inflatable globe. People were encouraged to take photos and share them online with the hashtag #WorldInBurnaby. Our inflatable globe was a huge hit across the 11 community events we toured. Curve secured 13 media spots to generate awareness for these events and the overall #WorldInBurnaby campaign.
We collected several hundred postcards and distributed them to a variety of ESL classes across Burnaby. We specifically focused on interacting with immigrant newcomers to make them feel more welcome and to help them understand the Burnaby “brand.”
Curve was able to:
- Collect over 572 Welcoming Postcards
- Get Burnaby city councillors involved
- Reach thousands of Burnaby residents
Together, the community participated in a simple commitment to serving as welcoming neighbours within their area.
“Our students were happy to receive the cards with the beautiful messages. They had lots of questions as to who was behind this gesture and what the BIPT was. It was a very interesting interaction and most of them who also attended free ESL classes in other parts of Burnaby were happy to see the package once again. It certainly has brought lots of smiles to people’s faces; I really liked the whole idea.”
-Rajeeta Samala, South Burnaby Neighbourhood House
If you’re interested in creating a new brand design, reach out to our digital marketing agency today. We’re more than happy to brainstorm with you.