
International Education Marketing

Reaching Students Abroad Online

In this week’s episode of the Marketing Manager Playbook, our marketers Stephen Johnson and George Affleck demonstrate the digital way of recruiting international students for middle school, high school, college, university, or language schools.

Setting up digital ads can help supplement the traditional route of recruiting students to drive leads and point-of-sale. Our marketers explain the different steps of the marketing funnel. For example, in a 2-step funnel, a customer interacts with your brand twice before the point-of-sale. Specifically, a student form Mexico may search for a school online and see your Google ad. A month later, that student may recognize your brand at an education fair, which makes both the student and their parents more likely to approach your school.

Digital ads are cost-effective and can include Google, Facebook and Instagram ads. Marketing managers can expect to foster relationships with leads actively looking for schools in the U.S. and Canada.

Feel free to reach out to George at or Stephen at if you have any questions or like us to set up your campaign.

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